Notice of Unknown Material Letter
November 17, 2024
After a major lead issue involving the city of Flint, Michigan starting in 2014 , the EPA began a new revision of the lead and copper rule. As part of the revision, EPA mandated that all public water systems in the entire country would: 1. Inventory the system's distribution system, and 2. Inventory customer service lines. The state agencies received federal funding to help the state systems to comply with the new EPA ruling and hired a number of consultants to help with the process. Unfortunately, exactly how that ruling was to fit each system changed several times during the compliance period, and how the individual public water systems are to inventory customer service lines has not been completely laid out. It was assumed that systems could log into city/county websites and get information on plumbing permits and/or other documentation to help determine the plumbing materials installed during construction of the individual homes. I don't think they even considered rural areas with limited information. Mohave County has some information like that, but not far enough back to cover each home in our community. SHDWID received help to get the distribution system inventoried and uploaded to the appropriate agency. The District was not able to get all the customer service lines inventoried. So. EPA determined that letters were to be sent out to all the customers with "unknown materials" in their service lines. EPA issued required language that could not be changed or omitted whether or not it applied to our specific area. The language even puts the onus on the District to answer questions (ie: financial aid for replacing service lines) for which they have not supplied information. Sadly, all the money that was thrown at this revision was given to the primacy agencies and the firms they hired - none of the money trickled down to the systems that have to implement the plan. Most, if not all, of our customers won't have lead in their home plumbing and service lines. Please keep updated on the progress of this process by looking at the webpage periodically. Our goal is to update as information becomes available.